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조선해양인, 혁신성장 및 상생협력을 통한 위기극복 다짐 조선해양인, 혁신성장 및 상생협력을 통한 위기극복 다짐 2018년 조선해양업계 신년인사회가 산업부 문승욱 산업기반실장, 전호환 부산대 총장, 김기영 부산시 경제부시장, 강환구 조선해양플랜트협회장 등 주요 인사들이 참석한 가운데, 1.11.(목) 16:00 부산 누리마루에서 열렸다. 조선해양관련 10개 기관(한국조선해양플랜트협회, 한국조선공업협동조합, 한국조선해양기자재공업협동조합, 부산조선해양기자재공업협동조합, 한국선급, 한국조선해양기자재연구원, 중소조선연구원, 한국해양과학기술원 선박해양플랜트연구소, 대한조선학회, 한국해양공학회)이 공동 주최한 신년 인사회에는 산학연 대표 100여명이 참석했다. 신년인사회에 참석한 업계 대표들은 지난해도 수주불황으로 많은 동료를 떠나보내야 했던 힘든 시기였다고 회상하며, .. 더보기
New Baltic Exchange LNG Panellists Group New Baltic Exchange LNG Panellists Group Following an approach by leading Baltic Exchange LNG shipbroking companies, the Baltic Exchange has formed the Baltic LNG Panellists Group. The move comes as the Baltic Exchange looks to develop a new Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Index comprising several routes for the evolving LNG shipping market. Affinity, Braemar ACM, Clarksons and SSY are the LNG Panel.. 더보기
RIMS go from strength to strength receiving class approval from Lloyd’s Register RIMS go from strength to strength receiving class approval from Lloyd’s Register Drone and robotics specialist RIMS (Robotics In Maintenance Strategies) have received their fourth Classification Certificate as Recognized External Specialists, from Lloyd’s Register for the use of Remote Inspection Techniques (drones) during surveys of enclosed spaces. The Lloyd’s certification adds to RIMS’ CV of.. 더보기
PrimeServ Signs Maintenance Agreement with Arkas PrimeServ Signs Maintenance Agreement with Arkas Engine Management Concept (EMC) agreement set to run over 10 years with major Turkish container operator MAN PrimeServ, MAN Diesel & Turbo’s after-sales division, has signed an EMC maintenance contract with Arkas Shipping and Transport, operator of Turkey’s largest container fleet with 50 vessels. The new agreement is for the maintenance of the 2,.. 더보기