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The 6th International Welding and Cutting and Laser Equipments Industry Exhibition Incheon Korea 2019 - June. 12 - 14, 2019(3 Days) Songdo Convensia Incheon Korea


The 6th International Welding and Cutting and Laser Equipments Industry Exhibition Incheon Korea 2019 

June. 12 - 14, 2019(3 Days) Songdo Convensia Incheon Korea 


Come to the New Welding Market in the Northeast Asia , the center of Pacific region!

Do you want to be a leading player in Korean Welding, Cutting & Laser Equipments markets? 

Take the chance in "The 6th International Welding, Cutting & Laser Equipments Industrial Exhibition Incheon Korea" 

Incheon Korea province are traditionally the center of automobile, iron & steel, Metal Working, Assembly Metal, ship, harbor and construction industries and have a heavy weight in Korean economy. 

As Incheon Korea province are traditionally an important place for automobile Assembly, iron & steel, Metal Working, ship, harbor and construction industries. the regions are the best place for the welding industry, one of country’s major infrastructure industries, . 

You can meet new products that are environment-friendly and automatic-oriented in the 'Welding Incheon Korea 2019' from June. 12 ~ 14, 2019. 

Also, you can meet buyers, manufacturer and distributor with a strong purchasing power. 

which may be directly connected with your sales results in welding facilities, materials and cutting equipments and etc.  
